Key Takeaways:
- While trucks and truck drivers are subject to the same laws as any driver on the road, additional regulations make the roads safer.
- The most common misconceptions are that every time a truck is involved in an accident that the truck is automatically at fault and that such an accident results in a million-dollar accident claim.
- It’s important to have an experienced advocate who can evaluate all aspects of damages from a claim and make sure that none are overlooked.
In Louisiana, How Common Are Auto Wrecks Involving Large Semi-Trucks Or Other Commercial Vehicles?
Automobile wrecks involving large semi-tractor trailer trucks or other commercial vehicles are about 6% of the approximate total of 3,000 commercial vehicle accidents in Louisiana. On Interstate 10 between Baton Rouge and Laffeyette there are an average of 800 to 900 crashes each
year. New Orleans also sees a significant number of truck accidents because of city congestion and
truck traffic that’s passing through the city on Interstate 10 and the 610 bypass.
We often think of truck wrecks as occurring on the interstate. While that is where a significant amount of truck accidents happen keep in mind that trucks have points of origin and destinations that are off the highway. Accordingly these accidents can occur anywhere, whether it’s surface streets or the interstate.
The results can be truly disastrous for the other vehicles involved when a commercial vehicle fails to follow those regulations. No amount of money can make up for the damages that can be done by an accident involving a commercial vehicle. However, a personal injury claim can help victims of these accidents to recover from a financial standpoint – including covering the costs of necessary medical care. Because these are larger, heavier vehicles, it means a large transfer of force happens when there’s a collision.
The higher forces involved means that commercial vehicle accident injuries are often, but not always, more severe than the injuries from an accident involving two passenger vehicles.
One of the most common misconceptions is that every time a truck is involved in an accident that the truck is automatically at fault. Under Louisiana law, one driver can be 100% at fault for the damages after a wreck, but it’s also possible that the fault could be divided among two or more drivers – depending on the facts of the case. This is why it is very important to have an experienced and knowledgeable advocate review the facts of your accident and assess the potential fault on all parties involved.
Are Commercial Vehicles Subject To Different Regulations And Laws? If So, What Might They Be And How Could That Impact A Personal Injury Claim?
Trucks and truck drivers are subject to the same laws as any driver on the road, which include being aware of their surroundings and obeying traffic regulations. Additionally, because they’re larger vehicles and they travel further than a typical passenger vehicle, there are extra regulations in place to try to ensure that they’re operating safely.
Some of the additional regulations for trucks and truck drivers include:
- Special licenses for commercial drivers, which subjects them to:
- regulations regarding prescription and non-prescription drug usage and
- drug screening
- A limit on the total number of hours a driver operates a truck within 24 hours
- Required logging of their mileage and stops
- Restrictions to routes on certain surface streets
Additionally, trucks are subject to higher insurance limits that help to compensate people after the fact.
These regulations do make the roadways and trucking overall safer. Unfortunately, a small minority of truck drivers disregard these regulations. Their reasons might be financial pressure to log more miles in a shorter time period – or simply because of carelessness and mistakes.
The results of accidents caused by disregarding those regulations can be truly disastrous for the other vehicles involved. No amount of money can make up for the damages that can be done by an accident involving a commercial vehicle. However, a personal injury claim can help victims of these accidents to recover from a financial standpoint – and cover their costs for medical care.
How Do Accidents Involving Large Semi Trucks Or Other Commercial Vehicles Differ From Passenger Vehicle Only Accidents?
Accidents involving commercial vehicles are different from passenger vehicles due to size and weight. Commercial vehicles tend to be larger-capacity vehicles. For example, a passenger van, a bus, or a semi-truck trailer is hauling a heavy load of cargo. Because these are larger, heavier vehicles, that means that a larger force of impact happens when there’s a collision.
Commercial vehicle injuries are often more severe than an accident involving two passenger vehicles.
For example, in 2019, there were 655 fatal crashes in Louisiana. Large trucks or buses were involved in 103 of those fatal crashes. Even though commercial vehicles are a small percentage of the overall traffic on the roadways, they are involved in a larger percentage of more serious accidents.
When Someone Has Been Injured As A Result Of A Trucking Accident In Louisiana, What Are Some Of The Misconceptions That They Often Have?
Some of the most common misconceptions are that every time a truck is involved in an accident that the truck is automatically at fault. Under Louisiana law, one driver can be 100% at fault for the damages after a wreck, but it’s also possible that the fault could be divided among two or more drivers – depending on the facts of the case.
Another misconception is when people assume that, because a truck or a commercial vehicle is involved in an accident, it’s a million-dollar insurance claim. While it’s true that commercial vehicles are often involved in collisions with more serious injuries and therefore larger damage values, there’s no guaranteed claim value or no guaranteed value to any claim.
The value of damages is determined by the facts and evidence specific to each collision. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced advocate like J. W. Law, LLC, that can evaluate all aspects of damages from a claim and make sure that none are overlooked.
For more information on Trucking Accidents in Louisiana, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (504) 384-7770 today.

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